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In this entry, we will give our opinion about the advantages and the disadvantages of the biofuel nowadays.

Remember that you can write a comment if you want to give your own opinion about these things.

Here we go!


 Mobility versus other alternative energy sources.

Currently, the most radical alternative energy technologies, such as solar energy and wind energy, have a big problem: mobility. Since the sun and wind are not constant, relatively heavy batteries have to be used to provide more capacity in those power technologies (but this problem is gradually being solved with technological improvements). On the other hand, biofuels are relatively easy to transport, stable and have a relatively high energy density, and can be used with slight modifications to existing technologies and infrastructure. 

Low economic cost

Currently, biofuels cost as much as gasoline on the market. However, there are more advantages to using biofuels because they are cleaner and produce fewer emissions from combustion. Biofuels can be adapted to existing engine designs, which will be well used in all conditions. At the same time, it is a better fuel for engines, reduces the overall cost of controlling engine pollution and therefore requires less maintenance. With the increase in demand for biofuels, they are likely to become cheaper in the future. Thus, the use of biofuels will be less difficult for our budgets.

Renewable sources

Gasoline is made from crude oil, which is not a renewable resource. Although modern fossil fuel reserves will last for many more years, they will eventually run out. Biofuels are made from various feedstocks, such as manure and crop and plant residues grown specifically for fuel. These are renewable resources that are not likely to run out any time soon.

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

Biofuels can be used to reduce the impact of greenhouse gases. Studies show that biofuels reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 65%. Also, when crops are grown for biofuels, they partially absorb carbon monoxide, making the biofuel system even more sustainable.

Economic security for countries that do not have large fuel reserves

Not all countries have large oil reserves. Oil imports leave a significant gap in the country's economy. If people start to lean towards the use of biofuels, the dependence on imports will decrease. The increased production of biofuels will create more jobs, which should have a positive effect on the economy.


Lack of food security

The problem with growing crops for fuel is that they will occupy land that could be used for food production. In a world with a constantly growing population, the problem of disposing of land for agricultural purposes is becoming more serious.

Land use change restriction

When land is cleared of local vegetation for the cultivation of raw materials, the environmental impact is hit from three sides.

1.  Animal habitats and microecosystems are destroyed.

2. Energy is required to clear the area of ​​local vegetation. So the production is very energy intensive and involves a lot of polluting emissions during the treatment process.

3. Crop production will require fertilizers, which will pollute the soil and through it the waterways and the environment.

Land use change for biofuel production has significant drawbacks. Therefore, the best solution for biofuel production is to use the land that is already available, although this reduces the amount of land for food purposes.

Regional capacity constraints

This is due to several reasons, the main one being that some crops simply grow better in some places than in others. It depends on several factors, such as the heat, the amount of water or the fertilizers used.


  1. if it increased the transports to carry these alternatives of energy or occurred in smaller scale that it would happen?(MANUEL)

    1. Hi Manu! If it increase governments and companies will need to invest more, but they will save the money wasted on normal fuels, so they will improve their economy.
      If it occurs in a smaller scale(I don't think this will happen), cars will keep using habitual fuels, but this will be a problem to economy and sustainability.
      Cheers from Dani Calzado.

  2. How much is the demand for biofuels? (Álvaro)

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


  4. Seeing that we have so many natural resources, why do you think that the automobile sector has not yet transformed its engines adapted to these new sources of energy? (Laura)


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Hey! How are you? We hope you are good :). In this blog you will find a lot of interesting things and news about a new sustainable fuel: THE AMAZING BIOFUEL! Open your eyes and enjoy with our news and opinions about the biofuel, and if you want to opine about our blog or add some interesting information about biofuel that can help us, please write a comment and we will read it as soon as it is possible. We don´t entertain you anymore, enjoy the biofuel life! You can start watching this video if you want to have a global idea about biofuel before reading our entries. Have a nice day!


Repsol will invest 200 million euros in the Cartagena (Murcia) industrial complex, which will have the capacity to produce 250,000 tons per year of advanced biofuels such as biodiesel, biojet, bionaphtha and biopropane, which can be used in planes, ships, trucks or cars, and that will reduce 900,000 tons of CO2 per year. The new facilities, which will come into operation in the first half of 2023, are part of the transformation process that Repsol has launched in its industrial complexes to decarbonize its processes and manufacture products with a low, zero or even negative carbon footprint. The project uses the circular economy as one of the strategic pillars to accelerate the energy transition and achieve Repsol's goal of being a net zero emissions company by 2050. Brufau, the president of Repsol, has highlighted that "Cartagena is going to consolidate itself with this project as a supply center for fundamental products for the present and for the future and an example of Re